Welcome to the SSWR 2025 Annual Conference ePoster Community Page for Virtual Presenters!
What can you do on the community page?
click on each photo to jump to the corresponding section
As a virtual presenter, you will submit your presentation ahead of time for inclusion in the online Poster Gallery.
We encourage you to attend the technical webinar which will give an overview of all relevant information.
There are two options for submitting your poster presentation depending on when you want it to be accessible for viewing.
DEADLINE for upload: December 19, 2024
Submit your poster by December 19, 2024 and your poster presentation will be accessible starting January 12, 2024.
All poster presentations will be accessible on the virtual Poster Gallery through April 12, 2024.
Presentation Format
Virtual presenters can submit their presentation as a video (MP4 or MOV) or a static poster (PowerPoint or PDF).
Video: If you choose to submit a video, you will need to record a narration of your poster using PowerPoint or Zoom. See the recording instructions below. Your narration can be an audible voiceover or a video feed of you presenting. In order to include a video feed, you will need to record using Zoom. Please note it must be between 5 to 7 minutes length video.
Static Poster: If you choose to submit a visual poster alone, the presentation will be converted to PDF for inclusion in the online Poster Gallery. Animations will not be visible. Ensure that your presentation is easily legible when printed (do not put multiple animations on top of one another).
If you have any questions, please reach out via our chat box or the technical support form linked below.