Welcome to the 2025 BILH Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Symposium Poster Presenter Community Site!
ePosterBoards are the future of poster presentations! One board consists of a large format, 48-inch flat panel monitor, a stand, a touchscreen Surface tablet, and assorted cables.
Checklist of items to complete
click on each photo to jump to the corresponding section
Technical Webinar: View the technical webinar to learn the steps in creating your ePoster, formatting guidelines, and how to submit your ePoster. After reviewing the video, please follow the steps below on creating and submitting your ePoster.
Creating an ePoster: Choose one of the templates below. After choosing your template, please ensure the following:
Slide Size is 40.97 x 23.04- This is default on the templates, so do not modify the slide size from these dimensions.
Font Size is 28pt or larger
Save your Poster as “Lastname.Firstname”
Save your poster file as either a .PPTX, .PPT, or .PDF. Only these file types are accepted
View additional formatting guidelines using the tutorial video link below.
Click on the Buttons below to download the guidelines
Submitting your ePoster: After creating your ePoster, following the instructions above, please ensure to submit your poster by the deadline.
Posters are due January 21st, 2025 by 11:59pm ET
Go the submission page shown below and create an account by inputting your name and email on the bottom of the page. After creating an account, the form will appear for you to fill in information about your ePoster.
Fill out the form with all information pertaining to your ePoster
Upload your ePoster File (.PPTX, .PPT, or .PDF files only)
Upload any supporting materials if applicable (videos, images, graphs)
Click Submit
You will receive an email notification when your file has been received and reviewed. Verify that the submittable email has gone to your main inbox and not your spam or junk folder.
Formatting Guidelines
1. Choose an ePoster Template
Template 1- Single Sided Template 2- Hyperlink Slides v1 Template 3- Hyperlink Slides v2
2. Follow Formatting Guidelines to ensure your poster meets the following requirements:
Submit Your File:
1) Your Poster Presentation(.pptx, .ppt, or .pdf), which will be presented live on the day of the event.
3. Ready to Submit?
Posters are due by: January 21, 2025 by 11:59PM ET
Use the Orange Link to move to the Submission Website to Upload your File
ePosterboards Videos
Watch ePosterboards Videos
Watch ePosterboards Videos to learn how to format your ePoster and learn how to use an ePoster Template
Check In at your assigned date/time
Check-in at the Technical Support Help Desk during the time frame below:
Time to be announced: Check In at ePB Help Desk
During the event, ePB staff will help with last minute poster uploads, provide technical support, and answer any questions related to your Eposterboard.
Remember to submit your ePoster prior to the event by the deadline.
Bring a backup of your ePoster on a thumb drive.
Test your ePoster at your assigned station, if you are having difficulties, please let us know so we can help.