e-Posters can be sent as a .ppt, .pptx, .key, .pdf, Google Slides file, link to your web-Prezi or Adobe Illustrator
e-Posters will be converted to a .pdf file (unless the e-Poster is in Prezi or Google Slides) by ePosterBoards, and displayed as a static .pdf file within the conference's e-poster website
As e-Posters will be displayed as a static .pdf file (unless the e-Poster is in Prezi or Google Slides) within the e-poster website, hyperlink and embedded videos will not function
e-Poster presenters using Prezi or Google Slides must provide the ePosterBoards team with a link to their presentation
To share videos, the presenter should reference the video within the e-poster. The ePosterBoards team will display an embedded video as a separate item within the e-poster website
Compatible Video files: mov, .mp4, .m4v, .avi, mpeg
The recommended (not required) standard template size is 40.97×23.04 (landscape), or 23.04x23.04 (portrait); utilizing the standard template size will optimize viewing options
Recommended file size: 5MB (max). Files in excess of this recommendation will be modified by the ePosterBoards team upon submission to ensure proper display on the e-poster website. Please note that large e-posters may take longer to load via the website
Contact Tech Support (http://www.eposterboards.com/support/) with any questions